Sunday, May 23, 2010

tonight, it hurts, but I forgot how to cry.
I forgot how's the feeling. to cry. out.

Why wont U care for me a little...
it's fine, I dont wanna make U feel hard.
I will be fine on my own.

U never wanna care bout me...

and why the fuck must he comment right after what I comment in your facebook.
cant he just fuck off? move on.

I think too much.
Yes I am.
I dont want to think too much, but I just did.
I admit I will.
but after a while, I will be just fine.
Life move on, I knew.
Sometimes, I just think of U.

U know, after all, I need a listener.
I wanna tell U how I think, how I feel, how I overcome.
But just when I wanna start to tell U, U gave me a cold shoulder.
Will U listen to me till I finish my words.
that's why I prefer to type.
Cuz' U will read, U wont listen to me.....

I really let it go, I wont care bout that stupid guy.
I fed up, what I wanna tell U is.
He's acting like he owns U, I really dont like that, that's stupid. really it is.
I know I'm not your boyfriend, I cant ask U to do something for U.
And U dont have to, and I'm not asking.

It's all my thoughts, U say U wanna know me, I tell U everything, how I think, how I react and all.
but why when I wanna start, U never wanna listen to me...
it's really... make me feel. a little cold sometimes.
Your laughter is my best music, with your laughter, it cures.

And now I'm listening to my musics again.
Sorry for being like this, I'm not emo, I just type out how I feel right now.
nothing to do with other thing else.
just a feeling.

I miss U.

Glad that U have a great day, I wanna give U more and more great days.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh no~
Tell me this won't last forever
Tell me that I'm not alone
Tell me this will come together now

But many days from now..
Many days from now, I'm sure
I'll be back among your graces
And with you I won't pretend
No, not at all..

Wait, wait for my love
Don't forget me, never let me go
If you wait, wait for my love
I'll remember, never let you go
Until I'm fine, fine, fine
Until I'm fine, fine, fine...


It's another day.

Do U ever care bout my feelings?
DO U?!

I know I'm not your boyfriend, not the one U love no more.
But when someone said" hey, your hubby, your love, your boyfriend."
Can U just dont, deny it that quick?!
Like I'm someone disgusting to U.

Sometimes, I really wish to know what U really thinking.
I really wish to know.
It's very tiring to guess what U have in mind.
Now, it's like the mirror, what I did to U, U're doing to me.
Soon.. how would it lead to?
Can anyone tell me?!

I wonder if U really will read this.
I'm not blaming on U.
just when no one here to tell how I feel, I wanna write it out.
at least, I would feel better.
I gotta love myself. right?! like what U said before.
I need a little care...
I'm nothing at all.
I caused all of these.
no matter how it be.
I'm the one who caused all of these
I deserved to be alone? afterall..
All I can say is, U changed me.
I'm glad that I'm changed.

U're my treasure, my everything. Then, who am I to U?
The love I give to U, all the love..
what it is?
If U dont want it this way, U gotta tell me.
I really love U from the deepest, deep from my heart.

Tell U what're U thinking, alright?
Cuz' I really want to know.
I need to know.

Am I destined to lose forever, once I lost..
Who am I...
this is the question. I always been thinking.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I hate sharing 1 thing.

aaa.. who willing to lend me ears?

Thought of having lunch right now, at home.
Yet, I dont know why I dont wanna eat..
instead having a litre of milk.
a big carton.
Good, I'm full and recharged for the day again.
quite a blank day.
Busy day with hours to countdown.

........stupid toothache woke me up in the middle of the night again.


Here U go, going to bed.
Life is busy.
Everyone has their own life, to busy with, to live with, to go with. And, everyday U gotta walk out from the same door, facing almost same thing, or blaming stuff that U gotta live with even U dont want to.
And living in a pace when there's not much rest or relaxing time.
When U realized U dont have much time in a DAY, then U're getting older.
Like all the old sayings.

Seeing U living in a busy life.
Everyday, it's the only 1 hours that makes me feels really relaxing, seeing U here.
I could chat with U, wanna tell U things, but U're just busy with your works.
So, I wanna write it down, when U free, we can talk bout our life.
Time flies by, without warning, U realized U're stepping into a life that U dont really know the purpose for things U're doing.
"Guess it will work out."
"Keep it up, nothing can defeat me."
and so, life is interesting when all the obstacles cant beat U down.
or kill U...
Become stronger and stronger.

So, I wonder, one day, will U slow down, try to look back all the times U been through..
Then, forgive me for being selfish,
am I in one of your "time".
am I the one who be with U most of the time.
I wish I am.
Hell I wish I am.

We have so much to talk a bout, so much to chat..
If U have the time, I wanna talk everything with U.
For now, let me write down everything, so that U can read me, understand me.
And, till we meet again, it wont feels like too long.

I miss U all day long, all days and nights.
I do wish.
I do.. really really wish.
U would let me know.
that U miss ...
miss me a little too.

I miss U so so much.
U're my treasure,
I just wanna treat U right.


Screw this headache.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Snowman's Ventriloquism Featurin'

Flying Toward Freedom.
